Does Bill or Ted have the Front Control Built-in Tall Tub Dishwasher in Monochromatic Stainless Steel with 1-Hour Wash Cycle?
Who has the Front Control Built-in Tall Tub Dishwasher in Monochromatic Stainless Steel with 1-Hour Wash Cycle?
Bill Ted
Has Front Control Built-in Tall Tub Dishwasher in Monochromatic Stainless Steel with 1-Hour Wash Cycle Yes No
Wants the Front Control Built-in Tall Tub Dishwasher in Monochromatic Stainless Steel with 1-Hour Wash Cycle? No Yes

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Ted should just steal the Front Control Built-in Tall Tub Dishwasher in Monochromatic Stainless Steel with 1-Hour Wash Cycle. Bill won't miss it.
